
Local Partnerships for energy efficiency in social services

Local Partnerships for energy efficiency in social services

April 2024 – November 2026

Budget: 562.920 EURO

Donors: European Union

The project is co-financed and implemented by Soros Moldova Foundation, Keystone Moldova and the Public Association „Fondul de Inovatii Sociale din Moldova”

The Overall objective of the Action is to enable local civil society organizations to engage as actors of development of energy efficient communities in Moldova.

Specific objectives:

  1. To build strong partnerships between CSOs and Local Public Authorities in at least 35 target local communities for the development and implementation of the energy efficiency measures.
  2. To develop renovation strategies aiming to facilitate the cost-effective transformation of at least 35 existing buildings where community-based social services are provided into nearly zero-energy buildings.
  3. To support awareness activities on the necessity for energy transition to determine citizens from target local communities to adopt responsible behaviour.

Final beneficiaries:

  • At least 2000 vulnerable people, beneficiaries of improved social services (elderly, persons with disabilities, families with low income, children at risk, other).
  • Population of at least 35 local communities
  • The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Ministry of Energy


  • Elaboration of the practical application Guide „Community mobilization mechanism to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings where social services are provided” and documenting successful community mobilization practices;
  • Strengthening the skills of about 100 representatives of CSOs and public authorities regarding applying the principles of community mobilization in the development of project proposals by CSOs in partnership with public authorities;
  • Development of the Social Audit Methodology, applicable to all types of social services, with a focus on evaluating the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of social services on beneficiaries and the community; review of the internal procedures established by the social service provider; ensuring the implementation of the community mobilization mechanism; improving the quality of life of the beneficiaries;
  • Carrying out the social audit for 70 social service providers;
  • Conducting the KAP study on the perception and understanding of the behavior of distinct groups regarding energy efficiency. The study will determine the barriers to transformation from the perspective of energy efficiency of the living environment, and will include recommendations on promoting responsible energy behavior;
  • Carrying out the communication campaign together with the project implementation partners, which will aim to promote the change of attitudes and behaviors of the target groups to adopt responsible energy behavior and improve the quality of life;
  • Implementation of a capacity building program for 35 CSOs and representatives of public authorities regarding the energy transition process and efficiency measures, including actions that are accessible and easy to implement by every member of the community, developing and estimating costs for the implementation of energy efficiency action plans;
  • Methodological support for 35 CSOs receiving grants in the implementation of action plans to ensure the energy efficiency of social services and the realization of community mobilization campaigns;
  • Methodological support and technical assistance to 35 grantee CSOs to improve the quality of social services in accordance with minimum quality standards.